The Ley Family

The Baby Pictures!!!


Latest pictures taken of Rebecca 10 - 12 months 

Painting of Rebecca  at 3 months by her Grandmother Christmas 2001

More Pictures of Rebecca :

The Studio photos at 9 months

7 - 9 months

4 - 6 months

0 - 3 months

Debbie's Mothering Page (Pictures Added taken just before the birth.)

On Thursday 10th May 2001 at 7:15am Southend General Hospital, Rebecca was born weighing 8 lbs 8 oz, a healthy baby girl. The first pictures of Rebecca one hour old Later that day, after some sleep we took a few more pictures.

Follow the links to the ultrasound scans of the baby:

Baby at 12 Weeks 5 scans 

Unfortunately the pictures taken at 12 weeks are low resolution so please also look at the high resolution scans for 19 & 31 weeks

Baby at 19 Weeks 1 scan

Baby at 31 Weeks 2 scans